On 05/05/2015 10:48 AM, Avra Sengupta wrote:
On 05/05/2015 10:43 AM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:

On 05/05/2015 10:32 AM, Avra Sengupta wrote:

As already discussed, if you encounter this or any other snapshot tests, it would be great to provide the regression run instance so that we can have a look at the logs if there are any. Also I tried running the test in a loop as you suggested. After an hour and a half I stopped it so that I can use my machines to work on some patches. So please let us know when this or any snapshot tests fails for anyone and we will look into it asap.
Please read the mail again to find the link which has the logs.
    (Wstat: 0 Tests: 41 Failed: 3)
   Failed tests:  36, 38, 40
As repeatedly told, older regression run doesn't have the logs any more. Please find the link and try and fetch the logs. Please tell me if I am missing something here.

[root@VM1 lab]# wget http://slave33.cloud.gluster.org/logs/glusterfs-logs-20150409:09:27:03.tgz . --2015-05-05 10:47:18-- http://slave33.cloud.gluster.org/logs/glusterfs-logs-20150409:09:27:03.tgz
Resolving slave33.cloud.gluster.org...
Connecting to slave33.cloud.gluster.org||:80... failed: Connection refused.
--2015-05-05 10:47:19-- http://./
Resolving .... failed: No address associated with hostname.
wget: unable to resolve host address “.”
[root@VM1 lab]#
Ah! my bad, will let you know if it happens again.





On 05/05/2015 09:01 AM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
hi Avra/Rajesh,
        Any update on this test?

  * tests/basic/volume-snapshot-clone.t

  * http://review.gluster.org/#/c/10053/

  * Came back on April 9

  * http://build.gluster.org/job/rackspace-regression-2GB-triggered/6658/


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