Phil Longstaff wrote:

At some point, I want to modify some of the reports (balance sheet/income 
statement especially) to allow multiple dates or time periods to be specified, 
resulting in multiple columns.  However, I'm busy with too much else right now.

THAT would be welcome, Phil.

The only reason I have not done this (I'm a retired senior systems analyst) is that the board member who takes the data I supply out of GnuCash and uses that to prepare a financial statement in proper GAAP format as done for non-profits is that he told me not to bother --- the process involves adding footnotes for everything that needs an explanatory note as well as some stock text and he uses his favorite document processing app for that.

However, being able to prepare a "report" giving the current year an prior year in parallel (what is standard for a non-profit) would be handy.

The other side of that coin is that accounts would not necessarily match 1:1 and you need to give some thought what you plan doing in that situation. The account might not have existed in the prior time period or might not still exist (no longer applicable -- would be cumbersome carrying on the report accounts that are obsolete and/or accounts that only rarely have activity always showing with zero balance).

Michale D Novack, FLMI
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