On Thursday 12 February 2015 07:26:07 Neal Lithwick wrote:
> Hi
> First let me say I just downloaded this program and really think it is
> well done. I have been using an older program called Money Smith
> which works great for me but it is old and as the newer O/S's come
> into play, it becomes a little less functional, soon to be obsolete,
> I'm afraid. Also, I run both Windows and Linux O/S's on two different
> systems and I use my Android tablet. This program will run on all
> (well at least interfaces with the Android version). Super!!
I'm happy you like it so far :)

> I would love to migrate over to this program but I have one problem
> (so far). I need to have the ability to set a Starting Balance for
> the balance sheet items as I am not starting anew but migrating over
> from Money Smith. Since every transaction needs to be reconciled, I
> would have to go back 7 years and enter each transaction to get this
> to work (Money Smith does not have a file format compatible with
> GnuCash migration requirements).
You can define opening balances in gnucash easily. In gnucash this is very 
easy. For each 
account the opening balance is a transaction between the account and the 
Balances account. So if you want to start the gnucash book from say Jan 1, 2015 
you enter all 
the balances of all your accounts on Jan 1 2015 in the Equity:Opening Balances 

Will this help you ?

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