Hi Pedro,

Am 09.08.2016 um 11:24 schrieb Pedro Albuquerque:
> Hi Frank, all.
> Yes, there is a reason. *pt_PT* is the country code for Portugal, *pt*
> is the generic code for Portuguese, which means my translation could be
> confused, for example, with Brazilian Portuguese whose country code is
> *pt_BR* but is also Portuguese.

I know this.

> Let's assume someone in Brasil decides to create their own translation,
> it would be impossible to distinguish between both if we were to use
> only *pt*. It's like *en_US*, *en_AU*, *en_GB*, etc.

In the moment, when someone offers a pt_BR translation, we will rename
the directories with your files to pt_PT. But for now it is annoying:

LANG=pt_BR gnucash

F1 opens "Manual de ajuda do GnuCash"
Ctrl+H opens "GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide"
instead of "Tutorial e guia de conceitos do GnuCash",
which you get when you run
LANG=pt_PT gnucash

I am pretty shure, most brasilians would prefer to read your work
instead of the english text. So I think we should rename the install dirs.

BTW: I see outdated files gnucash-guide.epub and gnucash-guide.mobi in
the repository. There is no need, to check them in, because they will be
generated by the make process.

Another misleading file is "COMO TRADUZIR" in help, describing how to
use xml2po, but you translated the xml files. Are you planing to switch
the method?

> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Pedro.

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