On 2/13/2018 9:49 PM, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:

Why are you blaming the workers rather than the employers?

Why do you think a piece of software can help if you are shitting on your employees?

Mike, is this what you expected as a response? Adrien appears to be a person that trusts no-one.

Welcome to the tacky politics of Trumpian merka :(

Absolutely not, it is your response I find surprising. Problems do not arise just because employers are sh*tting on employees << this is NOT to say that some employers don't do exactly that >>

However an auditor should NOT approve use of a system without the sort of controls we are talking about, limiting access to those who have need, etc. One of the organizations where I am on committees, etc. (and have been on the board, and in the aftermath aiding the new treasurer recover) was hit by embezzlement by an office manager, from which a decade later we have not fully recovered in the financial sense*. Trusted with access to which she should not have been trusted.

* We agreed to a plea bargain "no jail" in exchange for repayment of what she stole (working over time) as if in jail we wouldn't have gotten even THAT back. But what she directly stole was only about half the damage as payments that should have been made to governmental bodies weren't and though those bodies agreed to waive penalties still had to pay the interest on the amounts owed as well as the amounts. The bank involved agreed to lend us the money no interest for a number of years, but still had to be paid back. The total we had to make up close to a year's budget!
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