I recently had to find out how to setup logging while debugging a new feature
request and found the information on the wiki
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Logging fairly terse. I ended up spending a
day or two reading up on GLib which was not much use as the Glib functions
are incorporated inside macros in Gnucash. The link to the logging API
documnetation on the above page is broken and I can no longer find the page
in the Wiki with a search. The information there seems incomplete and pretty

I had to trawl through the code in qoflog.cpp to make sense of how the
logging works. I now feel I have  a basic grasp of how to control that. I
did not find modifying ./gnucash/log.conf had much effect primarily because
I didn't really have a grip on how logging woked when i tried using it and I
found it much easier to use the command line options to do what I wanted
which was to enable logging specifically at debug level for the gnc,import
module (and not anything else) and redirect the output from the
/tmp/gnucash.trace file to a logfile in my home directory which I could read
without root privileges. I also don't want to modify ./gnucash/log.conf for
development versionsas that affects my GnuCash production version logging as
well as the development whereas with the command line options changes are
limited to the built development version.r

Does anyone have any problem with me creating a breakout page from the above
page for developers which describes the logging setup information that a new
developer needs to know both to control debugging code and incorporate
logging information in code they write while it is still fresh in my mind?
(At my age this might not be very long.) 

I am thinking along the lines fo describing the log domain setup and the log
levels as they pertain to Gnucash  and the macros that relate to them that
can be used to generate debug information as well as the command line
switches and how they interact with the system.


David Cousens
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