John Geert,

I was going for the breakouts to make more detail about  the log-levels and
log-domains available while not making the current page  too large or not
easily readable. I have added breakout pages from links from log-domain and
log-level where they are first mentioned in the text on the logging page. if
you have time you might check that i haven't blundered too badly in my
understanding of the logging implementation. Thanks for fixing the API link.
My bad on the /.gnucash - I did realize it was a hidden directory, just
stuffed it up while editing it. I'll work around the updated locations and
put a link to the Configuration locations page itself from the logging page.
The Logging API page covers a fair bit of what I had in the 
 log level breakout more completely so I will remove it. The breakout for
the log-domains I produced does have some  infomation not in the Logging API
page which might be useful to incorporate. 

I can add a section to the wiki logging page on using the command line to
configure debugging. I found that more useful than modifying
~/.gnucash/log.conf as modifying log.conf affected  a production version of
Gnuccash I use for accounting as well as a development build I was debugging


David Cousens
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