Op woensdag 12 september 2018 20:18:13 CEST schreef Mechtilde:
> I hope somtimes I can finish esp. the translation of the lasst chapters
> but I'm not willing to do a new translation as a whole. that is waste of
> time and motivation.

I share your concern about duplicating work.

The current documentation and translation process is not well adapted to 
documentation updates. And I am looking really hard for a way to improve this.

On the other hand I do appreciate people volunteering to work on the English 
version of the documentation. It's equally an improvement for the gnucash 
project in itself.

I don't think it will be a complete rewrite of the guide. It will primarily be 
a restructuring of the existing contents.

It is my intention to ensure
1. the German guide remains as is until someone (hopefully you) decide to work 
on it some more
2. your current work will remain valid as much as possible even if the English 
version gets reorganized. As long as the original texts don't change too much 
it should be possible to match your translation against the originals no 
matter where in the new documentation they will be moved.

Part 2 isn't possible in the translation system as it is now, but it should be 
in the system as I see it.

Hopefully that will reduce wasted time to a minimum and keep your motivation.



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