Op vrijdag 14 september 2018 04:05:14 CEST schreef David T. via gnucash-devel:
> Hello,
> In trying to deal with compiling the documentation, I have been trying to
> use the newer “make” methods for building the html docs. I am wondering why
> these commands create the output in a new directory within the language
> trees—respectively, “gnucash-guide” and "gnucash-help”. I don’t see the
> need for another layer of folders in this system, and wonder whether the
> output could simply be put in the language folders directly.
This was done to be able to separate html output from the other formats.

pdf, ebub and mobi all output one single file. html outputs a whole series of 
files. Putting those in their own directory creates one entry point per format 
in the language directory.

Granted it could have been "gnucash-guide.html" for even more consistency.


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