> On Sep 16, 2018, at 9:46 AM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be> 
> wrote:
> Op vrijdag 14 september 2018 21:37:58 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
>> Since John indicated there is not an effort to adhere to the current Gnome
>> HIG, that statement should probably be removed. (as they don’t conform any
>> longer)
>> But there are a few places where I think they can be simplified,
>> particularly some items in the Actions menu should probably be moved to
>> Tools.
> Adrien,
> There are certainly lots of improvements to make in user experience. And I 
> welcome improvements in that area in any case. We may not be gnome oriented 
> in 
> the long term, but for now we're still using their toolkit (gtk), so I'm not 
> *against* making Gnome HIG inspired improvements either.
> In all the Gnome's HIG recommendations are fairly generic and while reading 
> them I felt most of them are fairly universal. So even if we consider 
> switching gui toolkit in the future several of these general principles will 
> stand.
> Which menu items would you move and why ?

To be clear, I'm also in favor of improving the UI, I just don't think we 
should do it because Gnome says so and I don't think we should be claiming in 
documentation that we pay much attention to anyone's HIG.

John Ralls

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