On 12/31/18 11:52 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Stephen,
> I could be mistaken, but doesn’t Launchpad have automated build facilities to 
> target different releases? That might ease providing packages for the LTS 
> versions and the current regular version even if you aren’t running them 
> yourself. That won’t help derivative distros but as people discover which one 
> works best, that info can be passed on for those users.
> Regards,
> Adrien

If I am reading their documentation correctly, you can pick several
environments to which they will build deb files. 

I believe these architectures were supported:

    X86, AMD64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el

In addition, you could pick several release environments including:

Ubuntu:  Cosmic, Bionic, Xenial, Trusty

Debian: Stretch, Jessie, Wheezy, SID

It sounded like all that had to happen is to push a tarball up with the
./Debian folder already populated and their system would build to all
those environments automatically.


PS  I'm not sure what arm64, armhf, and ppc64el would do for GnC!

>> On Dec 31, 2018, at 11:55 AM, Stephen M. Butler <kg...@arrl.net> wrote:
>> On 12/31/18 9:47 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>>> I don't think the guys/gals that maintain the official Debian and
>>> Ubuntu packages are on this list, though I may be wrong.
>>> Colin
>> Perhaps the question then becomes:  Is the team willing to support an
>> unofficial PPA for the latest version of GnC?
>> If so, I'll do more research.  If not, I'll stop.
>>> On Mon, 31 Dec 2018 at 17:44, Stephen M. Butler <kg...@arrl.net> wrote:
>>>> Dev Team,
>>>> So far, three folks have either used or inquired about using the debian
>>>> package for 3.4.  Marketing theory (no, I'm a software engineer by
>>>> avocation) says that there are several more that would take advantage if
>>>> it were more "supported".
>>>> Here are my thoughts:
>>>> 1. Both Ubuntu (Launchpad) and Debian request certain files in a
>>>>    ~/debian folder.  Most of these appear to be copies of files the
>>>>    application already has.  Perhaps a softlink could be put in the
>>>>    debian folder that points to the original so that changes in the
>>>>    original automatically show up in the folder.  Does this work via git?
>>>> 2. I'm willing to coordinate the effort to build that folder (I presume
>>>>    on the Master branch) but will need volunteers from more technical
>>>>    folks from time-to-time to handle some of the techy stuff.  I know
>>>>    the devs are busy squashing bugs so this would have to take a back
>>>>    seat to that.
>>>> 3. Building this folder might even be beneficial to the official
>>>>    packagers for the various distros.
>>>> 4. One team for whom I did light testing, published a daily build (no
>>>>    longer daily as the software matured) for the adventurous.
>>>> https://launchpad.net/~subsurface/+archive/ubuntu/subsurface-daily
>>>> I would be willing to push the files up to Launchpad if the team sees
>>>> value in perusing this.  However, I don't want to step on anybodies toes
>>>> if this would get in the way of the official release process for the
>>>> various distros.  And, if this got to the point of highly automated,
>>>> perhaps the dev team would prefer to do the push themselves.
>>>> --Steve

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