On 1/1/19 12:57 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Steve,
> It's nice to see you're willing to work on getting gnucash on launchpad.
> >From my point of view this is completely disconnected from what the gnucash 
> project itself does, so feel free to go about this as you like.
> On the other hand I'm not really sure I understand the bit about the debian 
> directory. From the GnuCash project's point of view this is not something to 
> add in the gnucash git repository as it's distribution/packaging specific. 
> You 
> could set up a separate repository for this if you like. The GnuCash project 
> currently maintains 3 like that as well: one each for packaging GnuCash on 
> Windows, MacOS or Flatpak.
> Lastly at this point I don't think we want to add yet another release target 
> as part of the primary release process. But you're most welcome to take this 
> on you and I appreciate your offer!
> Regards,
> Geert

Thanks Geert.  As I said, I didn't want to step where I wasn't supposed
to be!  I'll check out the other repositories and see what I can do.

> Op maandag 31 december 2018 18:41:35 CET schreef Stephen M. Butler:
>> Dev Team,
>> So far, three folks have either used or inquired about using the debian
>> package for 3.4.  Marketing theory (no, I'm a software engineer by
>> avocation) says that there are several more that would take advantage if
>> it were more "supported".
>> Here are my thoughts:
>>  1. Both Ubuntu (Launchpad) and Debian request certain files in a
>>     ~/debian folder.  Most of these appear to be copies of files the
>>     application already has.  Perhaps a softlink could be put in the
>>     debian folder that points to the original so that changes in the
>>     original automatically show up in the folder.  Does this work via git?
>>  2. I'm willing to coordinate the effort to build that folder (I presume
>>     on the Master branch) but will need volunteers from more technical
>>     folks from time-to-time to handle some of the techy stuff.  I know
>>     the devs are busy squashing bugs so this would have to take a back
>>     seat to that. 
>>  3. Building this folder might even be beneficial to the official
>>     packagers for the various distros.
>>  4. One team for whom I did light testing, published a daily build (no
>>     longer daily as the software matured) for the adventurous.
>> https://launchpad.net/~subsurface/+archive/ubuntu/subsurface-daily
>> I would be willing to push the files up to Launchpad if the team sees
>> value in perusing this.  However, I don't want to step on anybodies toes
>> if this would get in the way of the official release process for the
>> various distros.  And, if this got to the point of highly automated,
>> perhaps the dev team would prefer to do the push themselves.
>> --Steve

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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