> On Aug 26, 2019, at 10:15 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
>> On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 11:28 PM, Sumit Bhardwaj <bhardw...@outlook.com> 
>> wrote:
>> WSL would provide a Linux binary, not a Windows binary. Is that what you are 
>> thinking of building? I am also not sure how to get GUI running for WSL. 
>> (WSL is really good tool.)
> That’s what I was thinking too, but maybe John knows something we don’t. If 
> the goal of being able to build via VSCode is reached, then you can use one 
> machine and do both builds, one for Linux, the other for Windows. I’ve not 
> heard that the Linux version of VSCode can build a Windows binary. (would be 
> great if it could)
> As for the GUI, some people have done it, though MS doesn’t support it. (even 
> running GnuCash!) But I haven’t tried it myself. I’m just getting ready to 
> play with Win10 for a client (I don’t use Win systems regularly anymore) so I 
> might give it a go in a month or so.

VSCode can't build anything, it's just an editor. But it can call[1] out to the 
build system to do whatever build for whatever platform you like. Visual Studio 
is the full-featured IDE and there's a free (as in beer, Microsoft hasn't 
gotten *that* far down the open source road!) version [2]. There's even a Mac 
version[3] that's probably better than Xcode, though admittedly that's not 
saying much.

I don't know much about WSL, I was wondering out loud.

John Ralls

[1] https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks
[2] https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/
[3] https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/
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