Is the goal to support what you reasonably can, or to limit support to the OS 
vendor’s lifecycle?

If the latter, El Capitan is already n-3 and out of support. This fall, 
Catalina will be released and leave High Sierra (10.13) as the oldest Apple 
supported release.

MS has 6-month builds (in March & September) that they support for 18 months. 
(September builds for 30 months for Enterprise & Education —unlikely GnuCash 
use cases) While GnuCash may continue to run on older builds and the end user 
manage to forgo upgrading Win10, more than likely Windows devs working on 
GnuCash would be using a currently supported release unless there was a 
conscious decision to hold back.


> On Aug 27, 2019 w35d239, at 12:39 PM, John Ralls <> wrote:
> I think we should set GnuCash 4's minimum support at least at Win8.1, which 
> EOLs 1 October 2023. Win8 EOLed 2 years after 8.1's general release in 2013 
> [1]. But we might consider skipping that and making it Win10 because even 8.1 
> is getting security updates only since last year. Win10 was released 29 July 
> 2015 so that would be consistent with the Ubuntu 16.04 minimum on Linux. FWIW 
> to be consistent we'd set MacOS at 10.11 El Capitan.
> With Win10 MS has moved to a sort of continuous integration model where it's 
> essentially impossible to be connected to the net and be more than a few 
> weeks out of date. I'm not sure whether "minimum supported version" is 
> meaningful in that environment.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> [1] 

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