On 10/10/22 12:01 PM, Geert Janssens wrote:

In practice, can you refer to an example invocation of Dist::Zilla (perhaps in the F::Q build system) we can take as a basis to write
such a helper script ?


The dist.ini (https://github.com/finance-quote/finance-quote/blob/master/dist.ini) file in the GitHub F::Q repository is the control file for Dist::Zilla's dzil command. However, since Dist::Zilla will automatically attempt to find dependencies, the [Prereqs] and [Prereqs / TestRequires ] stanzas usually contain just those modules that Dist::Zilla could not automatically figure out.

But, in the META.json or META.yml file created by Dist::Zilla when creating or releasing a package does contain a more thorough list of requirements.

The caviat is that list is still not complete because of how installations via CPAN works, but will be enough for someone to execute "cpan Finance::Quote" and install the latest/current release.

For example, dist.ini could contain "A::B = 0". While building the package, Dist::Zilla may find that "A::B" depends on "C::D" and add that to the META files. But it may not find that "C::D" depends on "E::F", "E::G", and "Y::Z". These get handled automatically when installing the module/package using CPAN.

Bruce S.
gnucash-devel mailing list

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