Dr. Micajkova,

Ah, I see where you're going. 

You can file an enhancement request, see 
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Enhancement_Requests, to add those rows to the 
options of the Tax Invoice Report. You probably also want the Date and 
Description columns. Neither the Easy Invoice nor the Fancy Invoice has any 
headings modifications options, so you'd be asking for the Tax Invoice Reports 
options to be copied over and adjusted as necessary to match the fields 
displayed in those reports.

Whether anyone will act on the request is another matter, so if you can program 
you might consider doing the work yourself. 
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Custom_Reports has a lot of information about the 
structure of reports, including how to copy one and make your own modifications 
to it.

John Ralls

> On Nov 8, 2022, at 11:24 PM, Vesna Micajkova 
> <vmicajk...@institutpraktikum.mk> wrote:
> Hello John!
> Thank you for your reply.
> I guess I haven’t explained well. Every word and string from the invoice can 
> be translated through the program to any language except the strings: Invoice 
> Date and Due Date. In the PrintScreen I have send, you can see that I have 
> translated Report Title and Units in Macedonian language. So, I can create 
> and print invoice in Macedonian language, only Invoice Date and Due Date will 
> stay on the language that I am using GnuCash on. I am very glad that Frank 
> has added Macedonian language so we can work on translating the whole 
> program, but my initial question was if Invoice Date and Due Date can be 
> added as additional strings so they can be translated the same way I am 
> translating the rest of the invoice content.

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