On Monday, February 5th, 2024 at 12:36, john <jra...@ceridwen.us> wrote:
> Those XML changes sound like the wrong direction.
> XML code needs to stay in libgnucash/backend, not get mixed in with 
> engine/QOF,
> especially since the long-range plan is to turn XML into a backup format
> with SQL being the primary storage and data access mechanism.

As someone who's always liked the ability to view/edit the XML (OK, make 
that any plain text format) might I ask what is meant by "backup format",
within the context of that plan?

I'm struggling to think of what use a "backup" file, XML or otherwise,
that one wouldn't be able to "restore" from, as in with File->Open,
would be.

Either an XML file encapsulates/serialises the GNC Book, as it was when 
it was backed up, or it doesn't, in which case how would such a file be 
used to do a "restore from backup"?

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