Jumping in a little late here.

It occurs to me that all my dividend transactions are simple ones, with an 
income account split, and a brokerage cash account split. In other words, money 
comes from the income account (e.g., Income:Dividends) and goes to the 
brokerage account (Assets:Brokerage) . I am not sure you need that second 
transaction at all.

If you feel the need to track income for individual commodities, you can create 
subaccounts for each, although I found that to be painful overkill. Currently, 
I have separate income accounts for each tax form I expect to receive.

Without the second transaction, things get much simpler.


From: Derek Atkins <warl...@mit.edu>
Sent: Fri Jul 14 22:56:47 GMT+05:00 2017
To: azalea4va <commo...@azalea.name>
Cc: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
Subject: Re: Copying many transactions


azalea4va <commo...@azalea.name> writes:

> I have ported over years of data from Quicken to gnucash. But there are
> transition issues. One is I have a brokerage account that now shows many
> entries for dividend payments. So I have 100's of transactions with a
> transfer from account B to A where A is the transaction account and B is the
> mutual fund account that is receiving the dividend. What I want is a
> matching transaction from an Income account to the brokerage account. So if
> a dividend of $20 is paid, there is a $20 transaction from C to B
> (InComeDividend -> Brokerage) and another $20 transaction from B to A. I
> have the latter, the former is what I need to create.
> I tried exporting all the B->A transaction to a CSV file, then re-importing
> them it the income file (where I would either change the destination from A
> to B in gnucash or in the CSV file before importing). I cannot get that to
> work. Anytime I try to import a CSV file that gnucash exports, it does not
> work. It seems the CSV file gnucash exports is not compatible with being
> imported back into gnucash. Am I doing something wrong or is this a weird
> incosistency in how gnucash deals with imports/exports?
> Any other ideas on how to copy a large number of transactions efficently? 

There is no way to act en-masse on transactions except in one corner
case, which is if you delete an account you can move *all* the
transactions from that account into another account. Beyond that one
corner case, there is no way to operate on multiple transactions.

Your best bet may be to create a QIF file that contains the transactions
you want and then import that file.

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Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warl...@mit.edu PGP key available

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