I just started using gnucash this summer, so I am investigating using it to
assist in tax preparation for the first time.  I have gone through the
process of marking all income/expense accounts as tax-related.  But I find
the provided "Tax Schedule Report" as being les than ideal in its
presentation of the information I seek.  (There seems to be an issue with
gnucash in general, the information formats frequently lack clarity and
conciseness so one must wade through lots of "noise" to get the desired
info.  Look at the listing for the general ledger and more than 50% of the
screen is white-space.)

What I have found useful is using the "Income Statement Report", configured
to use exactly those accounts which are tax-related.  I have found no easy
way to accomplish that configuration in gnucash (I must manually click all
those accounts on the account config page, hoping I accurately remember them
all).  So I wrote a BASh script to extract a tax-related account listing
from a gnucash file.  The output from that script includes a line that can
be inserted into the configuration for a report in the
'~/.gnucash/saved-reports-2.4' file so that report will process exactly
those tax-related files.

I provide that script here for those linux geeks who are comfortable
manually editting gnucash configuration files and may find the script 
of use.

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