On 02/12/2018 10:45 AM, David Carlson wrote:
However, one reason (of several) that I personally am not using a cloud
service yet is that I do not see how the cloud would handle all all those
log files coming and going and data files being renamed every few minutes.

I used to keep my files onĀ  a cloud service but it began to become unstable, so I moved it to my hard drive. I also created a script file that would run on a chron job automatically to backup my directory to one on my cloud drive:


echo "\n-----------------------------------\n Backup changed files on $(date) \n" | tee -a "/home/rick/CCS-BackUpLogs/CCS-BackUp.log"

rsync -avW --delete-before "/home/rick/Documents/CCS" "/home/rick/OneDrive" | tee -a "/home/rick/CCS-BackUpLogs/CCS-BackUp.log"

echo "\nFinished!" | tee -a "/home/rick/CCS-BackUpLogs/CCS-BackUp.log"


Works well for me at any rate.

Rick Copple

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