On 5/7/2018 2:39 AM, Karen Stingel wrote:
This is a Fix of my previous thread ... Re: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 182, Issue 8,
apologies for not clarifying the subject line last time.

How does gnc handle the Case of a VISA Debit card?
Technically, this is a BANK account with a VISA enabled card and a $0.00 Credit Limit
Should it just be created as a normal BANK account type?

Are there any plans to include this as a new Asset Account type in future editions of gnc?

As others have already answered, if this is just a payment card associated with an existing bank account (just another way of making withdrawals from THAT account) no account to be added. But if it is a separate account (with some institution) then yes. Thus you might have an asset account category for "gift cards", "prepaid debit cards", etc.

HOWEVER -- you have raised a more general question, perhaps misunderstanding something. The "built in default" accounts that come with gnucash CoA skeletons are just for convenience satisfying the needs of many new users. There is nothing magic about the types of accounts included, either that they would be necessary or sufficient. If you find you need another category of asset accounts (another sub tree under assets) simply add that. Same with liabilities and equity (and thus for income and expense).

Your CoA is YOUR CoA specific to YOUR needs.

Michael D Novack
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