hi Colin,

Am 04.07.2018 um 16:37 schrieb Colin Law:
> The wiki entry for building v3 on Ubuntu [1] has get me up and running
> with little difficulty so many thanks who contributed to writing it.
> There is an error there, though, I think.  The section on
> install-target says for /usr/local:
> /usr/local - this location is commonly used for versions distributed
> with linux distributions and is the default option. If installed here
> the program will be available to all users on the system. If you use
> this folder, use it with caution as installing from the distribution
> will overwrite your build and vice versa.
> I do not believe that is correct.  The distribution will not generally
> install into /usr/local and in fact, at least on Ubuntu, this is a
> common place to put home built stuff.  Applications installed there
> will not get overwritten by applications installed using apt-get.

>From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard:> 9^
Historically and strictly according to the standard, /usr/local is for
data that must be stored on the local host (as opposed to /usr, which
may be mounted across a network). Most of the time /usr/local is used
for installing software/data that are not part of the standard operating
system distribution (in such case, /usr would only contain software/data
that are part of the standard operating system distribution). It is
possible that the FHS standard may in the future be changed to reflect
this de facto convention.

And the official FHS3.0
> Purpose
> The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the system administrator when
installing software locally. It needs to be safe from being overwritten
when the system software is updated. It may be used for programs and
data that are shareable amongst a group of hosts, but not found in /usr.
> Locally installed software must be placed within /usr/local rather
than /usr unless it is being installed to replace or upgrade software in

> Shall I go ahead and change that?

So, yes, go for it.

> Also I think the title could be improved to indicate that it is for
> anything after Ubuntu 16.04. I know it says that in the text but the
> title is confusing I think.
> Colin
> [1] https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/BuildUbuntu16.04

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