
I don't know how to validate keys on smartcard V2 on PC2 when the keys has been 
generated on PC1 or if the hard disk crash on PC1 how to validate again it 
after new OS installation.

I ask for this, because when I put for example my smartcard on PC2 with key 
generate on PC1, when I done gpg2 --card-status or gpg2 --card-edit I can only 
see the fingerprint of the three keys but nothing on General key information.

I've done many test on debian with gnupg2 patched with (cherry keyboard 
(terminal xx44) and smc 3440) and with gpg4win 2.0.0. with (cherry keyboard 
(terminal xx44) and smc 3440).

But I've always the same result, I can only see general key info on the OS 
where I've generated the keys.

Perhaps I think there are some command line to validate smartcard keys on trust 
database or other ?

So how can I do that (import key, when I've only keys on smartcard, no public 
key on keyserver or on file and no file private and secret keys backup.

Thanks in advanced for your help.

Best Regards.

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