On Jan 3, 2013, at 2:37 PM, Anilkumar Padmaraju <apadmar...@prounlimited.com> 

> Hi,
> This is an important issue for me.  I would really appreciate, if any one can 
> help.
> Server 1:
> I have a server with Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 5) 
> and having gnupg version 1.2.6.
> When I am trying to import a key, I am getting below problem and the key is 
> not getting imported.  The key is 2048 bits.
> # gpg --import /key.asc
> gpg: DSA requires the use of a 160 bit hash algorithm

This means that you are trying to import a key with a version of GnuPG that is 
too old to understand it.  That key uses a feature (called DSA2) that didn't 
exist in version 1.2.6 of GnuPG.

> Unfortunately, I cannot upgrade Linux on Server 1.  What I have to do to 
> solve the problem with gpg import on Server 1?  

While you don't have to upgrade Linux on server 1, you do need to at least 
upgrade GnuPG.

Go to http://www.gnupg.org/download/ and grab the latest 1.4 version of GnuPG 
(at the moment, it's 1.4.13).  That is the easiest replacement for 1.2.6, and 
will handle that DSA2 key just fine.


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