On 01/04/2013 04:09 PM, Anilkumar Padmaraju wrote:
> This is first time I am upgrading gnupg.  Are there any steps or document
> to download source, compile, and upgrade?  I did some search in google, but
> could not find detailed one.
> After upgrading do I have to do gpg --gen-key or it is only needed when we
> install for the first time?

GnuPG is software for working with OpenPGP material (keys, signatures,
and encrypted messages).  Newer versions of GnuPG will continue to work
with pre-existing OpenPGP material.

This means that you should not need to generate another OpenPGP key just
because your version of GnuPG was upgraded.  Your existing OpenPGP key
should continue to work.



Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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