Am 03.11.18 um 17:30 schrieb Juergen BRUCKNER:
Hello Stefan, Hello all,

of course it is possible, that several people sign (and/or timestamp) a
Just a example out of my business:
There is a contract to be signd by mor than 2 persons or parties. So i
make a document of it - for example a pdf file (which is recommended) -
and send it to the next person who has to sign it, this person signs and
send it to another person for signing ... and so on.
As long the document is not edited all signatures stay intact and valid.

This is necessary, as otherwise there never could be signed a contract
between 2 parties.

Hi Jürgen,

thanks for confirming and your explanation.

I must admit that this is all new to me.

I think this may be also a good thing if it would be accepted
by the PGP community, say if someone lost his/her GnuPG
revocation certificate and passphrase for his/her secret key
that one could sign a document too containing the key data
etc., like i proposed with my intial posting.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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