Or is it money? Something else?
Money and usability are certain factors here. Most of these tokens are in the realm of $50 apiece; the GPG smart card, while closer to $20, is still another $30 in shipping, so it would be costly unless I purchased all ten upfront. Not to mention the user experience suffers; if I search my email archive for some old record, I have to look through ten different cards to find the correct one.
If this single OpenPGP smartcard which holds all of your keys of the last
decade breaks, what then? Then you have lost access to all encrypted documents
of the last decade. If you'd  use separate OpenPGP smartcards instead, then
you'd lose access to only one key rotation interval worth of old encrypted


Having retirement key slots makes it easier, not harder, to have redundancy to protect against this. In my particular case, I would use two smart cards at the initial state as safe backups. If one was very concerned, you could use three. The probability that one card out of ten will have a failure in a decade is far higher than the chance that all two or three cards will have a failure. Allowing retirement key slots means you can easily choose your level of redundancy while still keeping your keys on secure hardware only.


Brandon Anderson

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