On 17 Apr 2024, at 15:43, Christian Sommer <code.soma.kur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You are right Andrew!
> I indeed choose to preset the "with-fingerprint" option in my
> gpg.conf. By removing it, listing my keys give back the full 64
> character long fingerprint of my X448 key.

Good to hear!

I think the best solution is for gnupg to ignore the `with-fingerprint` 
configuration option. Modern versions display primary key fingerprints by 
default anyway, so the alternative display format is both redundant and 
potentially confusing.

I would be particularly concerned that people with different settings in their 
gpg.conf would see a mismatch between the 50-character fingerprint on one 
machine and the 64-character fingerprint on another, and incorrectly infer that 
something shady was going on. Differences in whitespace formatting are broadly 
expected (ref: credit card numbers) but truncation is not.

And to pick up on an earlier point, short key IDs should never be displayed or 
processed under any circumstances. Evil32 was a whole decade ago.


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