> 2) Change 'sort' config (http://www.htdig.org/attrs.html#sort) to
> 'revtime'. This will bring up the latest messages first. Very good for
> huge archives where old answers are very likely outdated.
> For 2) I think most of you will oppose against that change. But
> who knows, perhaps nobody thought about that setting up to now ...

Why would people be opposed? This makes logical sense to me.

>1) Increase the 'maximum_pages' config for htsearch to 30 (or at least
>20, see http://www.htdig.org/attrs.html#maximum_pages)

I'm surprised that users would have patience to look through more than
100 search results. I'm wondering if there is a cost would be in terms of
search performance and search user interface, and if implementing
request #2 alone would solve the problem without any such penalties.


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