Hi Thor,

I looked in the historical index [1] and there were only two messages
archived on jetspeed-user on September 27, neither of which match what
you are looking for. It is possible that Luta marked his reply with
anti-archiving headers and therefore it was not recorded. [2] So I don't
think we can help with your immediate issue.

As for the feature request, thanks. I've put it on the list of things
to consider we revise the service's search capabilities. That probably
will not happen in the immediate future though.

>Mail-archive.org, thanks for providing this service,

Thank you. Also, a quick reminder that the domain is mail-archive.com.
Sadly, the corresponding .org domain is in the grubby hands of a domain 


[2] http://www.mail-archive.com/faq.html#nomessage

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