On February 3, 2005 at 23:45, Jeff Breidenbach wrote:

> Toshi, thank you for the Japanese localization. We may need to change
> the ISO-20220JP characters to ISO 10646 numerical character references
> before I can use it. (And I may need help on that!) Also, let me know
> if there are any particular lists that should be localized to Japanese.

There is information about Japanse usage of MHonArc in the documentation,
with links to a user's site that has provided some Japanese-specific
information (site in Japanese).

ISO-2022-JP is usable, but you would need to change some resource
settings to avoid potential problems.  However, this may not work
for you based on how mail-archive.com operates.

Normalizing everything to UTF-8 may be the best approach, but you
need to consider if htdig support UTF-8.

> Everybody, I've been thinking revising the i18n/l10n scheme for
> The Mail Archive. Maybe instead of using the email message's character
> set for the web page, we should convert everything to UTF-8. What do
> people think?


Make sure htdig can handle it.

MHonArc supports translating message character encoding to a specific
charset, like UTF-8.  See the TEXTENCODE resource page for more details.

If you decide to go the TEXTENCODE route, I recommend that you go
with the latest version of perl as possible, or at least, the latest
version of Perl's Encode module.


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