Hi all,

I'm making a minor change to gossip. Basically I'm moving
from a power-thirsty server with resource hungry software
to a more energy conscious platform.

This should not affect people very much; just some minor
differences in the method for subscribing and unsubscribing to
the list. Details are as usual in the FAQ or in the info page for

The new system is undergoing beta test right now (you are receiving
this message through it). If there are any problems whatsoever,
please let me know. Feel free to also share opinions or thoughts.

For those interested, the old platform was a beefy rackmount
Pentium 4 running mailman, consuming a few hundred watts
and mostly idle. The new platform is an nslu2 running Debian
GNU/Linux and a list server called enemies-of-carlotta. (Yes, that's
really the name.) I haven't measured exact power consumption yet,
but it should be somewhere between 5 and 10 watts. It was time
to replace the old server anyway, so why not take the opportunity
to try a greener system.



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