I just received the following question from one of my list

 > I have a question.
 > When i go to
 > http://www.mail-archive.com/fjordhorse%40angus.mystery.com/index.html
 > In the top corner there is a picture from one of my files on my
 > computer. If i click it it brings me to www.mail-archive.com, is
 > that pic the same for everyone, and how did it get that pic. That
 > is a personal pic from my file. Of my horse.
   I too get a picture at the top left of A horse which is a link to
   your home page, but it isn't a picture from MY system. So I guess
   the question is, where did you get the horse picture? Are you
   spying on this lady's hard drive or is she just paranoid? Or is it
   possible she did it herself? It appears that anyone who wanders to
   the lists' info page can upload a picture. I browsed through some
   other lists' top pages, and mine seems to be the only one with a
   top left picture on it. Any ideas?

Steve McIlree - Pferd, Skipper & Clust - Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
  Horses carry the history of mankind on their backs.  If you should
  find one is carrying you as well, acknowledge your good fortune and
  indeed your honor. --Lucinda Prior Palmer(b. 1953)

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