Hi Steve,

That's a nice photo. I was in Norway for a weeks in March (for a
combination of work and cross country skiing) and the person next to
me on the train was telling me all about her fjord horse. I've never
seen on in person, though.

The Mail Archive allows lists to be customized with a logo. It's just
a cute way of personalizing an archive, and a fair number of lists
take advantage of this feature. Everyone viewing the archive sees the
same picture and there's a short blurb on this in the FAQ.

As for who added the image, I can only be of partial help. The Mail
Archive deletes website access logs pretty quickly, just keeping some
aggregate statistics. I don't generally like having records sitting
around about who has accessed what data, and it also wastes disk
space. So I don't have records on which IP address submitted the
horse; but the picture has been around since February 17th. You may
want to talk to your fellow list members to see if some enthusiastic
member submitted the picture without discussing it.

We've had little to no abuse of this feature so far, but if it becomes
a problem M-A can get more serious about access controls. In the mean
time I think we're ok with the current process. Please assure the
concerned list member that The Mail Archive is not spying into
anyone's hard drive.



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