I'm pleased to announce The Mail Archive has completed migration to
our 8th generation of hardware. The improved hardware helps the
service perform well under increasing popularity. It is also a good
idea to replace moving parts such as hard disk drives every few years
for reliability reasons. Finally, a new platform is a great excuse for
software spring cleaning and bumping various components up to the
latest version. It has been about two and a half years since the last
major hardware upgrade.

The Mail Archive is now devoting nearly a billion transistors, 300
billion capacitors, and 100 trillion magnetic dipoles towards storing
messages. Email flows through wires that are ten times smaller than
the wavelength of blue light. Speaking of blue light, we sadly have a
significant decline in the number of blinking blue lights on the
chassis. Generation 7 hardware was the high water mark in that regard.
All this computational horsepower should keep the service snappy and
responsive for quite a while. So far we're delighted with the new
hardware. As always please report any problems or issues, and thank
you for using the service.


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