Hi Jeff,

I wrote:
>> The list name links to the info page; optionally not displayed if made
>> redundant by the nature of the logo.

You wrote:
> This one requires too much per-list thinking; we'll only consider
> changes that are fully automatic. 

I understand and accept. If that's the case, then I specifically 

Logo and list name at upper left, both linking to the list info page.

Your banner and logo at upper right, both linking to your home page.

Gets your name out there more consistently, gives a uniform layout 
across all lists, and is less confusing, I think, for end users.

> The other parts sound reasonable to me, but it would be nice to know if
> other people have the same preference. 

Thank you. I hope they do.

> Logos are done with a tiny bit of CSS., just in case some
> impatient web programmer wants to help out.

I wish I could! I can write simple HTML, but I have not been able to 
wrap my mind around CSS. <sigh>

Mike D.

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