This is general interest, so we are responding publicly.

We've discovered that many of the advanced query results have been
leaking out through a fractured fiber optic line in the Gulf of
Mexico. It is hard to get a precise measurement, but we believe 13 to
20 thousand bits of information per day are entering the water. We are
attempting to siphon some of the data into entropy tanks, but may have
to make a second network connection to re-route the data entirely. Okay,
I just made that up. But without naming any names, it is true that one
of us actually worked in the petroleum industry a long long time ago.

Thanks for pointing out the flaw. It's embarrassing, we missed it, and
to my surprise you were the first to report. Only 16 advanced queries
actually tried looking past the first page of results yesterday, that
might explain part of it.

As for the feature requests, priority is on localization; we've only
made a small dent on French, Indonesian, and Portuguese; that means
there are over 20 languages left to go. Goal is to complete
localization by end of quarter. The other requests sound reasonable to
me, but will probably take a back seat for the time being.

It will take a little work on the user interface side to let folks
start with "advanced search"; if we just stuck in the link without some
massaging users would see a confusing "0 results" page before doing
their initial query.

As for sorting by name or other fields, my only complaint is the extra
work for localization. But it isn't that crazy, and we'll put it on
the drawing board. If we do implement it, the other Jeff would
probably be the one to do it. Be forewarned, he's very tied up for at
least a month, but we'll definitely discuss.

Thanks again for the feedback.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: M. G. Devour <>
Date: Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 3:04 PM
Subject: Advanced search...
To: Mail Archive Support <>

Hi Jeff and Jeff,

The new advanced search form is an interesting development. It makes
creating author, subject, and time-based searches much easier.

Two things:

If the advanced search yields multiple pages of hits, anything past the
first page returns 0 results.

A member was making happy noises about the great new search facility,
until he noticed this problem! <grin>

Second, would it be too burdensome to just put a link somewhere near
the search box for 'advanced search' instead of burying it two pages

If I know the terms of a complex search I want to make, I'm forced to
do what amounts to a throw away search just to get to a page with a
link to the advanced search form.

Lastly, on a slightly different tack, how about making it possible to
sort search results by various values, e.g., date, author, subject,
etc.? It sure would make it easier to locate just the right post among
a lot of returns.

Otherwise, the archives have been reliable and are getting good reviews
from those who use them. Thank you for your continued efforts!

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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