The v1.57.0 release <> 
is now available.

*API Changes*

   - Use fully qualified java.lang.String in all cases in generated code. 
   This fixes compilation if a protobuf message is named “String”.
   - Stabilize two io.grpc.Status methods (asRuntimeException & 
   - Stabilize io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder.useTransportSecurity (#10244 
   - Stabilize io.grpc.util.MutableHandlerRegistry (#10348 

*Behavior Changes*

   - xds: Handle loops and duplicates in xds Aggregate clusters
   - core: Change delay for hedging retry after a non-fatal error to be 0 
   to match the gRFC (A6 
   - api: CheckedForwardingClientCall now passes trailers from the caught 
   - xds: require EDS service name in CDS resources with an xdstp name
   - xds: Use Rule order instead of RuleChain
   - Wrap other name resolver types in a RetryingNameResolver . Previously, 
   if authority was not overridden, then some name resolvers (such as grpclb) 
   had no retry.
   - xds: Environment variable "GRPC_XDS_EXPERIMENTAL_SECURITY_SUPPORT" is 
   no longer respected, so xDS security cannot be disabled any more (#10243 
   - context, api: Package io.grpc is now consolidated into a single 
   artifact grpc-api by moving classes from grpc-context to grpc-api. 
   grpc-context now has a dependency on grpc-api (but excludes other 
   dependencies of grpc-api) so any application previously using only 
   grpc-context will now also bring in grpc-api. This fixes #3522 
   <> which was the major 
   issue preventing support of Java modules. We are not done fixing support, 
   as some artifacts need to be split and Automatic-Module-Name needs to be 
   added. The next release is likely to be more stable for modules.

*New Features*

   - binder: Add UserHandle and BinderChannelCredentials to support 
   cross-user communication (#10197 
   - xds,orca: LRS named metrics support


   - core: Resolve isAndroid only once on class loading. This can improve 
   channel creation performance on Android.
   - xds: Pick a subchannel with new static stride scheduler in 

*Bug Fixes*

   - xds: Fix the server sending a GOAWAY when an LDS update with no 
   changes other than ordering is received.
   - netty: Fix NPE when a header with errors is received with 
   endStream=true. This was causing logs to be filled with errors when health 
   checkers didn’t specify a content type.
   - okhttp: Fix the Socket data race when shutdown/closed during 
   connecting that was causing a significant delay


   - Upgraded Netty to 4.1.93-Final
   - Update guava dependency to 32.0.1 to address CVE-2023-2976 


   - Benjamin Peterson
   - Masakuni Oishi
   - Philip K. Warren
   - Stephane Landelle

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