>From 9pm last night to still going on....
125+ emails.

15 hrs of no life. A really psychotic individual that " Puddi Smith ".

I wonder how many other Victims he has on this list.

On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:31 PM StealthMode Hu <stealthmode1...@gmail.com>

> One last thing....
> For the psychotic person, robertknoxvillewo...@gmail.com, aka :" Puddi
> Smith ".
> Everyone of those companies you abused your prveleges with last night/
> Got a msg sent to their I.T. departments, and in house Security.
> Quote:
> I did not sign up for anything with you.
> Please pull the server IP traffic logs for this email / signup.
> Cross reference whatever time on your system logs that this email was used
> to signup for anything from your company.
> Now log that connection IP address.
> Contact Law Enforcement please.
> Someone is using your website to Harass me.
> This is the 50th email tonight, saying I signed up for something that I
> havent.
> Thanks in advance.
> -StealthMode
> EndQuote.
> So each of those 100+ websites you illegal used my email on?
> Along with Valve.
> Are now recording your information.
> You ARE going to be prosecuted over this.
> And you will never be near a Computer again.
> Cya.
> -StealthMode
> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:27 PM StealthMode Hu <stealthmode1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Oh yeah one more thing on this topic....
>> Then I walk away from THIS thread.
>> I have been on these lists for over 24 years.
>> Ive seen in those years quite a few of you out there.
>> Evidence in the List Archives.
>> Who have committed Crimes against others on these lists.
>> So I will say this and walk away.
>> You control no one but yourselves.
>> Have a good day.
>> -StealthMode
>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:20 PM StealthMode Hu <stealthmode1...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey gunman....
>>> Worry about yourself.
>>> Stop trying to impose your Will on others.
>>> This isnt Communism, nor Socialism. Let alone National Socialism.
>>> I find it ironic though.
>>> How those with Psych Disorders try to bring that up.
>>> Come talk to me when you know Zen and Advanced Psychology & Neurology
>>> Fact is, some of yall, and ONE especially are Psychotic.
>>> Do you know I have over 100+ emails of signups for newsletters, and
>>> mailing lists.
>>> From a mentally deranged lunatic on this list?
>>> Illegally using my email address.
>>> In a form of Indirect 3rd party harassment and stalking?
>>> That person is already going to jail.
>>> Keep trying to OPPRESS and IMPOSE on others FREE WILL.
>>> I have broken no rules, I have followed all list policies.
>>> And here yall are.
>>> Manifesting your Psychosis for the World to eee.
>>> Newsflash " Gun " man.
>>> You do not control A-N-Y-O-N-E but yourself.
>>> A lot of yall are Domestically Violent in your Personal Lives.
>>> You can tell by your behaviors on these lists.
>>> Meanwhile, I will post to this list.
>>> I will identify issues related to HLDS, SOURCEDS, SOURCE2DS.
>>> I will identify issues, and suggestions to IMPROVE MANAGEMENT of these
>>> LISTS.
>>> And I will continue to provide good information about relevant projects
>>> to Valve.
>>> My best advice to those on these lists that keep trying to impose on
>>> free will.
>>> That continue to grief, harass, and attempt to cyberstalk / cyber bully.
>>> Members of this list OFF of this list.
>>> Well yall Criminals sit tight.
>>> Thats what the FBI IC3 & Interpol is for.
>>> Have a nice day!
>>> -StealthMode
>>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 7:54 AM Underqualified Gunman <
>>> ghostboy21...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Don't feed Hu he's either a troll or mentally unwell best thing to do
>>>> is ignore him.
>>>> On Sunday, December 10, 2023, StealthMode Hu <stealthmode1...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> 3 hrs now.
>>>>> 60+ emails.
>>>>> Having fun " Puddi Smith "?
>>>>> Is this how you waste your life?
>>>>> I'm out at the bar. Have fun in Prison.
>>>>> Valve and Eric will ban you from this list Monday.
>>>>> Then you won't be logging in to Steam anymore.
>>>>> Then all those websites you illegally used my email address at?
>>>>> They will block & ban you as well.
>>>>> And then. You get to go to a nice Forensic Psychiatric Unit. While
>>>>> awaiting Trial.
>>>>> Any other Victim of this malicious style of attack over the years (
>>>>> email address gets bombed by random email subscriptions, after posting a
>>>>> msg to this list. )
>>>>> Contact law enforcement as well.
>>>>> The person who has used this list to gather your email address and
>>>>> maliciously use them has been located, and identified.
>>>>> Feel free to let Valve Security know. To document how many times hes
>>>>> done this.
>>>>> Have a good weekend everyone else.
>>>>> /SlamsJamesonTripleShot
>>>>> Booyah.
>>>>> -Stealth
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023, 00:00 StealthMode Hu <stealthmode1...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Having fun Fictitious Name Puddi Smith aka
>>>>>> robertknoxvillewo...@gmail.com?
>>>>>> You do realize.
>>>>>> You are going to be banned from these mailing lists by IP?
>>>>>> You are going to have your STEAM acct banned as well.
>>>>>> And likely once located, you wont be running any Dedicated Servers.
>>>>>> Especially when you are in Jail for the next 6-18 months.
>>>>>> You have a very, very bad Psychological Disorder.
>>>>>> And will need extensive In-Patient Psychiatric Therapy and Treatment.
>>>>>> 45+ email lists now, over 2 1/2 hrs.
>>>>>> All documented. all contacted.
>>>>>> All saving Evidence, and contacting their Local Law Enforcement.
>>>>>> All being coordinated through the US FBI IC3 Office.
>>>>>> I know you live in Michigan too.
>>>>>> I also know most of those sites.
>>>>>> Are websites you hold accounts with.
>>>>>> Which you are going to lose probably monday/tuesday.
>>>>>> Then they will be there to Arrest you.
>>>>>> In the meanwhile?
>>>>>> I will still be here using the lists.
>>>>>> I have to ask.
>>>>>> What is broken in your brain?
>>>>>> That you feel that you are in any way being rational, or logical in
>>>>>> your behavior?
>>>>>> And do you know.
>>>>>> When this is all said and done.
>>>>>> They ( VALVe ) will find out you have been doing this for years to
>>>>>> people on these lists.
>>>>>> Which is going to put you away from even longer.
>>>>>> As you have created many Victims from your Abuse over the Years.
>>>>>> And theft of Online Identity. Fraudulently using others Email
>>>>>> Addresses.
>>>>>> To commit the Criminal Act of Harassment, and Stalking that crosses
>>>>>> State Lines.
>>>>>> So enjoy the break from real life.
>>>>>> In that 8 x 10 cell. Dont worry about ever being near a Computer
>>>>>> again.
>>>>>> That will be a condition of your Parole.
>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 11:46 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> https://tips.fbi.gov/home
>>>>>>> https://www.ic3.gov/
>>>>>>> Have a nice day Dumbass.
>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 11:45 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Robertknoxvilleworld@
>>>>>>>> You now have a Warrant being issued for your Arrest.
>>>>>>>> And each one of those sites?
>>>>>>>> I know you are a Member of.
>>>>>>>> Your account on those sites, including this one?
>>>>>>>> Will be banned by IP ADDRESS.
>>>>>>>> Just to make sure you never get to use the Internet again To
>>>>>>>> Harass, or Cyber-Stalk.
>>>>>>>> I also contacted the IC3 @ the US Fbi.
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 11:32 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hey Puddi.
>>>>>>>>> Enjoy the Jail Cell there.
>>>>>>>>> Got ya.
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 11:20 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Its ok to the Mentally Defective person on this list.
>>>>>>>>>> Abusing their Privileges to be a Member of this List.
>>>>>>>>>> The illegal use for over two hours now of Criminal Behaviors on
>>>>>>>>>> 25+ websites.
>>>>>>>>>> Is all easily connected to your MAC ADDRESS. And Ipv4 / Ipv6.
>>>>>>>>>> Between all of these websites, and this mailing list.
>>>>>>>>>> Only one MAC/Ipv4/IPv6 address will be common between all 26.
>>>>>>>>>> And that makes you the one to be it.
>>>>>>>>>> Know whats neat about Google Mail?
>>>>>>>>>> Each mail I get, has a nice UNSUBSCRIBE button next to it.
>>>>>>>>>> So once I contact each sites SUPPORT email?
>>>>>>>>>> And the LOGFILES get documented as Evidence from each one of
>>>>>>>>>> those websites ( including VALVe ) ?
>>>>>>>>>> You will get a nice 8 x 10 cell, in a forensic psychiatric unit
>>>>>>>>>> somewhere.
>>>>>>>>>> 8)
>>>>>>>>>> Have a Fantabulously Wondrous Day!
>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 10:52 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> PS)
>>>>>>>>>>> Someone on this list is going to jail.
>>>>>>>>>>> Collecting peoples emails, and placing them on 15-16 different
>>>>>>>>>>> email lists.
>>>>>>>>>>> You are truly a person that needs to be incarcerated.
>>>>>>>>>>> And given Psychological Help.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have contacted Valve.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have contacted EACH of the 15-16 sites you have illegally used
>>>>>>>>>>> my email address on tonight.
>>>>>>>>>>> Your IP and traffic logs from 9pm forward on each website are
>>>>>>>>>>> going to be preserved.
>>>>>>>>>>> And you are going to be charged, and arrested.
>>>>>>>>>>> Eric Smith, and Valve Security are also notified of this abuse.
>>>>>>>>>>> And Criminal Act you have engaged in.
>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day!
>>>>>>>>>>> Dont drop the soap!
>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 9:49 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh hey....
>>>>>>>>>>>> Since we are speaking of 64 bit....
>>>>>>>>>>>> What do yall think of the Wicked Engine?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think it looks spectacular, with lots of room for MODDING.
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://wickedengine.net/
>>>>>>>>>>>> *)
>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 9:22 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Puddi?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Says the Wind0w L1ck3r 1 Delta 10 Tango...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 3:47 PM Puddi Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> robertknoxvillewo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Retard.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 4:41 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well see, Id have to violate the Rules there Trent " brick "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be removed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And despite a lot of Griefing, and Harassment by some on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this list over the years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have yet to Violate any Rules of this list ( while I might
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point out, QUITE A FEW PEOPLE here have. ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Far as Alfred. Quite Correct.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He QUIT VALVe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Went to Microsoft for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Helped them in Developing MR ( Mixed Reality ) possibly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involving the US Army.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then dropped off everyones radars.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, this list is both Informational, and in fact a help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Always has been. For server issues that Owners - Admins have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And also a place to Announce new Relevant Software /
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Applications.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And discuss improvements, suggestions, and ideas.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hell bro, Steam would have never gotten made without this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Youd still be connecting to Sierra/Vivendi/WON if it were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not for this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or youd be using " REAKTOR " instead of Steam. If it were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not for this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That said. You said absolutely nothing relevant to the topic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of conversation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> List management.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So please refrain from a) displaying disruptive list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behavior, b) posting off topic, trying to derail threads.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cause you feel the need to try to silence others. Who in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fact have as much Right as you, if not MORE to post on this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe VALVe should just shut these lists down altogether
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And never announce anything outside of the Website?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Along yalls lines of thinking.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EndComms.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 3:26 PM Trent brick <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trentbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh good lord it's you again Hu, you've been doing this for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years - this list is informational, not a help line. Alfred 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hasn't managed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this list in years - actually he hasn't managed this list in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years. Let it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> go.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's frankly amazing that you haven't been removed from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 3:08 PM Charlie Robinson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charliehrobin...@fastmail.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would suggest that you seek mental help and stop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spamming my mailbox:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/mental-health-services/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 9 Dec 2023, at 8:06 PM, StealthMode Hu wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Julian - hi at notnite.com <http://notnite.com> *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In response to your post to the thread.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I suggest this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peruse the Archives, and History of Valve Software circa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1999-2003.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reaktor was what Gabe Newell, and Aflred made.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STEAM was the Concept, and Name I made.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Far as Intellectual Property Theft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easily proven.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steam versus Reaktor. There is evidence showing that VALVE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed made Reaktor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, it was a stolen concept named Steam. That they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> later adopted the name of as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The fact I already mentioned that I contacted the Gabe,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eric, and Erik privately about The Real CS2, Counter-Strike: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Source 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> development.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a LIST ANNOUNCEMENT list after all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And the LISTSERV software changed from HLDS LIST-SERV to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this SimpleLists crap.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which is why I had a few duplicate posts which I already
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apologized for.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, I point something out to you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you dont like it, whyd you feel so compelled to respond?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See the problem with quite a few people on these lists
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Egotism.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narcissistic Personality Disorders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Megalomaniacal Disorders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In Zen philosophy this is called Shadow. In Western
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Psychology this is called Ego/ID as well as Shadow.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One can tell just by the two of your responses.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are both very negative people with very disturbing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> psychological profiles.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should consider entering into Professional Therapy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 2:53 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See that would be called imposing your will on others.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Take your Psychobabble offlist please.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A) My messages are on topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B) They are constructive and trying to assist in a better
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organizational system for the Chaotic Management @ Valve in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recent years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C) By all means, feel free to filter me for yourself if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is your choice. However, do not ever try to impose your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will on others.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For your Psychological Techniques to impose on others Will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shall always be exposed for what they are.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I strongly advise anyone on this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And to always feel free to share your OPINION on RELEVANT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SUBJECT MATTERS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INFLUENCE YOUR FREE WILL.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thats called Coercion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And for the Brit across the Pond.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That wants to impose on Freedom and Liberty, advocating
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oppression using Tyranny ( a blacklist, for on topic posting, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brit self feel that you are entitled to impose your will on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others? )...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I shall state this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ask yourself this Brit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why did you feel the need to type all of that, trying to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start all of that drama?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why were you trying to incite the list in such a manner,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as encourage disruptive behavior like that?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why if you are so buttsore over my legit opinions on these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lists, and other relevant things...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> didnt YOU just filter me out yourself, and keep it moving?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ya know why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have Psychological Disorders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Megalomaniacal Disorder. Trying to dictate to everyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what to do, advocating blacklisting someone cause what?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They posted on topic discussion?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Because you have Psychosis.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please seek Psychiatric Help before ever posting to this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or I may have to contact your Local Authorities and Flag
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 2:34 PM Anton Uklein <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> antukl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I overwhelmingly recommend every user of this mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to filter out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any messages by spammers linking malicious files by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updating your email
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> client filters so it gets sent to your trash folder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> automatically. Or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for anyone at Valve to please blacklist messages
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> containing certain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> words or phrases from being sent out to everyone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/9/2023 1:28 PM, Julian - hi at notnite.com (via
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hlds list) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > For the sake of other people's inboxes I'll say this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once and never
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > again: Please stop sending these random messages to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hlds list. You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > previously submitted multiple emails where you talked
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > consent(???), your post being "censored", mentioning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "sloppy & amateur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > development", and saying "They stole Steam from me".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nobody on this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > list wants to read your ramblings; they are here for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hlds updates, not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > what you have to say about Counter-Strike 2. Plenty of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other places to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > go if you have a vendetta against Valve.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > On 12/9/2023 1:30 PM, StealthMode Hu wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> List-Serv has gotten messed up over the years Eric.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Let us discuss things since Alfred Reynolds stopped
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> managing these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> A serious error was made years ago.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> With list management.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HLDS server ( linux/win32 )....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HL product.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> SourceDS ( linux/win32 or modded win64 recompile )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HL2 product.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Source2DS ( linux/win32 Still no 64 bit modernization? )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HL3 / Alyx product
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HL-Mappers? Gone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Hl-Coders? Why is this still even on here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Does anyone still reprogram/mod GoldSRC based mods?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Where is the HAMMER / WORLDCRAFT mailing list?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Where is the Modernized Source / Source 2 SDK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> programmers list?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I see a specialized list for Counter-Strike: GARBAGE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OPERATIONS 1 & 2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> But no list for CS: Source or CS: Source 2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> No list for Hammer / WorldCraft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> And only outdated lists for HLDS & HLCODERS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Yall look real amateur, and shady over there lately E.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Smith.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Do I need to make a new listserv after I release the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newest Franchise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Title? Counter-Strike: Source 2, The Real CS2?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> EndComms.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Project Manager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Black Operations Development Group
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
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