On 7/15/14, 1:53 PM, Ted Lemon wrote:
We can safely assume that any device that is monetized through the cloud will 
do everything in its power to prevent us from accessing it, so that's really 
not the interesting test case.   The interesting test case is whether a 
Nest-like device that isn't operated through the manufacturer's captive portal 
will use this set of standard protocols.   (I don't know what the policies 
behind Nest are specifically, but the phenomenon I'm talking about is more the 
rule than the exception in citizen-grade IoT devices at the moment).

I believe we are at least in the fortunate situation that nobody's tried hard to do a naming
provider land grab yet, so there may yet be time to do the right thing.

Can we make this a *requirement*? If not, why not?
We can't force anybody to do anything, that's why not.   But we can document a mechanism 
for doing it, and if implementation becomes widespread in home gateways, it's not 
unreasonable to think that devices that _don't_ depend on a captive portal for 
monetization will use these protocols rather than reinventing the wheel.   But bear in 
mind that this is a fairly big "if."

I mean a requirement for the homenet working group, of course. I'm not entirely sure what the appetite is for wheel reinvention in this space is, but I'm guessing it's not that high if this working group comes up with something that is workable, and gives CPE vendors something to shoot for rather than a bunch of ad hoc point solutions requiring bilateral dev agreements.

We should be really clear that "CPE" !== "Router" too. If the Nest wants to be my DNS name repository that gets mirrored out in Google's intrastructure somehow, that should OK too.
I think its main requirement is that it:

a) doesn't move around out of my homenet
b) is always on


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