    > There is also an HTML version available at:

    > A diff from the previous version is available at:

Some notes from me.
I've touched quite a lot of text through the document.
It took me a half day on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday and today to do.
(counting staring at the cat to figure out what to write)

I have the advantage of not having really read it for a few months, so my
proof reading is, I hope, beneficial to understanding without changing
any content.

I did however, delete figure 1, because it's basically repeated by figure 2,
and I redrew figure 2 with asciio, and then made sure that it translated to
SVG well.  That made me adjust some things, and it had to fit in 72 columns
too.  I wound up truncating "Zo"ne. in one place.

I see one place where markdown slipped through in {#sec-zone-delete}, and
it's fixed in git.

The technical place which I posted about a few days ago concerns where the
Notifies go.  I have placed them into the Control Channel.

Note that the Control Channel offers:
1. AXFR to get the zone template.
2. DNSUPD to change the NS (Synchronization Channel), and the DS records.
3. receipt of Notify to poke the Synchization process.

I have added some words about EKU on the certificates involved, basically
saying to please ignore them.   I posted to dnsop, and Daniel forwarded my
query onwards, about this, as RFC9103 is silent about this.  Ignoring them
might be important, because if DOI Operator gets their certificates from
LetsEncrypt via dns-01 challenge (a totally reasonable thing to do), then
they probably will have an EKU with *WWW* TLS Client and *WWW* TLS Server bits 

I have tried to insert some of the more common terms from RFC8499, but there
aren't enough terms, and the term "DOI" remains, and I'd be happy to replace
it, but suggestions of "External DNS" are wrong.   That would be confusing,
and that term is never properly defined.

I've also expanded DOI several times more often than required, and the RPC
will freak about that, but I think it's worthwhile repeating what it means a
few times since the term is so awkward.

There are probably some typos and some repeated words, but I hope that the
text is better.

Michael Richardson <>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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