On Fri, 2016-04-29 at 14:51 +0200, NGUYEN-VIET Quang wrote:
> Hello,
> We use httpclient 4.1. ( we plan to upgrade soon)
> Juste a simple question about how connection pool behave  when we change
> maxTotal on fly, without releasing connetions in use. ( with
> releaseConnection() for instance )
> If i increase the maxTotal size, I guess that it's not a problem, it simply
> allocate more possible connection in pool.
> But how about when we decrease the pool's size and all connexions are
> pending or occupied, do they become some kind of zombi connection and we
> lost control on these connections.

No, they are not. Those connections will still be kept in the pool and
re-used until they expire. The connection manager however is not going
to allocate new connections until the total number of connections
becomes less or equal to maxTotal.


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