We have an odd issue wherein at Tomcat(TomEE) startup apache-hc execution 
requests throw a NoHttpResponseException within less than 1 second.  After a 
few minutes this behavior completely stops and isn’t seen again until the next 
time we stop and restart Tomcat(TomEE).

Basic apache-hc configuration information:
  - single static CloseableHttpClient instance initialized at container startup;
  - all requests managed via PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager
  - connection timeout 6000ms
  - read timeout 6000ms
  - we use 4 retries
  - the typical timing for each HttpClient.execute(HttpUriRequest,HttpContext) 
during this startup period is that they fail very fast:
      try-1: ~  5ms
      try-2: ~250ms
      try-3: ~500ms
      try-5: ~700ms
We measure the elapsed milli-seconds with respect to “execute()”.  It seems 
very odd that execute() fails so fast given the apache-hc settings.  It isn’t 
every execution request that fails.  But, a very high percentage of them do 
exhibit this behavior during the initial ~5 minutes after Tomcat(TomEE) begins 
dispatching inbound requests.

The inbound HTTP request volume inbound is ~70 RPS(requests per second).

After ~5 minutes this type of error never repeats.  We have logging in place 
that verifies all the apache-hc components are fully instantiated prior to any 
request being processed.

Version information:
  apache-hc: 4.5.2
  java     : 1.8r60
  tomcat   : 7.0.68
  tomee    : 1.7.4

Any ideas at all given the minimal information that I have to provide are 
greatly appreciated.


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