
I have some trouble using SSL together
with PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.

I create an HttpClient by setting both the SSLContext and ConnectionManager
and the SSLContext is ignored. I read that others had the same problem and
solved it by adding a Socket Factory Registry to the Connection Manager.
However, I dont find this a good solution. I would like to create one and
only one connection pool for my application, and then provide it to all
HttpClient instances I create later on. When I instantiate the connection
pool, I dont know exactly what connections I will create later with what
SSL parameters. Your solution assumes that when instantiating the
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager, we are already aware of all the SSL
settings that we will ever use. This is very often not the case.

Why are the SSL settings so tightly coupled to
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager? And do I understand correctly that if I
am using SSL, I should create separate PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager
instances towards the different remote servers?


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