On 19/10/2023 13:30, vostinar laurian wrote:
I implemented a MultiPartAsyncEntityProducer, my code is: here

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My code is based on FileEntityProducer , just that instead of writing just a 
file content, it writes more stuff. It seems to work fine, but I have a 
complaint: when using a netcat command as a server(
while true; do echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n" | nc -l 8884; echo -e 
"\n\n---------------------------------------\n"; done
)  only the first producer is sent to server (basically produce method is not 
called enough times). With other servers same code works fine. Seems to me 
there is some protocol problem that server expects the whole request at once 
and client does some more communication. Any ideas how I can fix this issue?

Disable `expect-continue` handshake on the client side and try again. If that makes no difference, create a project with no dependencies on your local environment that reproduces the problem, put it on GitHub and share the link. I will take a closer look.


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