On Tue, 2024-03-12 at 21:58 -0400, Jonathan Amir wrote:
> Hello,
> I am building an HTTP/2 only client for running multiple requests in
> parallel.
> I understand that there is no connection pool internally, rather
> there is
> one connection per host. For simplicity, let's say all my requests go
> to
> the same host.

This is correct. It is still technically a pool though (per host

> I have a situation where under stress there are some errors. It
> starts with
> socket timeout (several threads in parallel), and after a while there
> is a
> ConnectionClosedException.

Even though HTTP/2 has a proper connection termination handshake, the
handshake is potentially racy. Under high load
ConnectionClosedException can and will happen. Your application code
must be prepared to handle those.

> I am not sure what is the flow of events that leads to this, and what
> is
> the relationship between those errors. I also don't know if it is my
> client
> or the server that closed the connection.

It, of source, would help greatly to know what exactly happens and
leads to ConnectionClosedException.

> My initial question is, since there is only one connection maintained
> internally, how does one recover from ConnectionClosedException? The
> connection life-cycle is opaque to me - there is no pool, and no
> eviction
> strategy, so no concept of creating a new connection. So what am I
> missing? Is
> the httpClient object still usable after a ConnectionClosedException?

The internal connection pool can automatically re-establish closed
connection once the connection termination handshake completes or the
connection gets dropped abnormally.

> Somewhat related, I am looking at the sample here:
> https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-5.3.x/migration-guide/migration-to-async-http2.html
> What is the difference between the two socket timeout configurations,
> on
> IOReactorConfig and ConnectionConfig? 

Both represent the same timeout but apply at different levels.
IOReactorConfig apply at the i/o reactor level and are specific to the
async i/o model. ConnectionConfig apply at the connection management
level and is not specific to any i/o model. 

> What is the time to live?

You mean TTL, total time to live? The maximum period of time
connections can be kept alive and re-used. Once past TTL connections
get automatically closed out.

Hope this helps


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