
I am supporting a Spring Boot application, which uses HttpClient 5 in the
background. We're mainly using PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager to send a
large amount of requests to a target server.

We're experiencing some network issues (socket connection timeouts during
high load scenarios) and in trying to locate them, I've begun the process
of trying to look into what actually happens during connection
My idea was to measure the time it takes for certain steps taken when
creating a connection. Mainly I wanted to measure TCP socket open and SSL

The initial version I've come up with uses (abuses) the
ConnectionSocketFactory interface, wrapping it in a way to measure the
length of execution for connectSocket. This gives the sum of TCP open and
SSL handshake.
This way I can at least get some numbers and use them to help with locating
and resolving the issues.

There are 2 issues with this approach, as far as i can tell, I can't
measure these times separately, and in the newest alpha version of 5.4 the
interface I'm using has been deprecated and replaced by the
DefaultHttpClientConnectionOperator, which performs all of the connection
steps in a single method call.

Am I missing some easier way to plug into the flow of creating a connection
and getting the ability to measure what I wish to measure? Will it still be
possible after the deprecated interfaces get removed? Is there a way I
could measure both socket open and SSL handshake separately?
The metrics I've achieved so far already started showing us certain trends
and extending them could help us more in trying to solve these issues.

Thanks for responding.


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