AFAIK, the abend for directory exhaustion is NOT x37. It is rather B14 or so. BTW: yes, I know there are several x37 abends. That's why I used lowercase 'x'. BTW2: I even experienced F37 abend in the past. It was related to huge (at the time) Jaguar J1A tapes and good compression and ...problems in RMM. AFAIK I put over 6TB (terabytes) of uncompressed data on 300GB cart.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 24.10.2020 o 16:55, Joel C. Ewing pisze:
I'm not assuming any abend code outside the x37 family, just asking
which one.

x37 is not an actual abend code but a generic reference to family of
abend codes  (A37, B37, D37, E37) relating to various out-of-space
conditions.  For a PDS, you get a distinct E37 abend rather than a B37
or D37 when a space failure occurs when attempting to add a directory

Yes, the underlying root cause for a space failure in the directory is
different for a PDS vs a PDSE, and the problem resolution for a PDSE is
the same whether the no-free-block failure is for a directory-block or a
data-block; yet there are legitimate arguments for preserving an abend
distinction between the case where no member  could be created vs the
possible creation of a member with incomplete data.   The latter case is
potentially more dangerous, as an incomplete member is more likely to be
successfully read by a subsequent process and produce additional
incorrect results that must be resolved.  Or does PDSE logic design
somehow preclude reading a PDSE member when an out-of-space condition
has prevented a proper close and writing of all data blocks during the
member creation?
     JC Ewing

On 10/23/20 9:03 AM, R.S. wrote:
Why do you assume there is/should be other abend than x37?
Any request for new place in the dataset could end with such an abend.


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