
On Dec 29, 12:53 pm, Roshan P Koshy <rospkos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Damn that prejudice!!

Ha! That's classy! :D

On Dec 29, 9:59 am, vineeth kartha <vineeth.kar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Both are connecting. Its just that Windows is getting more bandwidth, and
> when connected individually I can get good speeds on both systems.

Need some more info to say anything meaningful.

1.  When requesting web pages using Firefox (or any browser), it shows
a status message at left bottom corner of window - like 'Connecting to
google.com' or 'transferring data from google.com' and so on. Which
message do you see the longest, and approximately how long?

2. What are the DNS settings on the systems? (Auto/manual, DNS
addresses etc - I suggest making them the same)

3. How does the ping result look (packet loss and timings)? Try 'ping -
c 100 google.com' on ubuntu and 'ping -n 100 google.com' on windows.

4. How do you connect both systems to the router.

5. Most importantly, which exact model router are you using?

Gokul Das

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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