Reply to: airNwire DEVELOPMENT TEAM
      Re: [IMail Forum] anti-virus solution on Friday 4:13:16 PM
    From: Roger Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]

a> YES, I can definitely RECOMMEND an anti-virus solution that integrates with
a> IMail-------
a> I just downloaded and installed DECLUDE+VIRUS which is available by visiting

a> During the first two hours of operation, it found and killed 53 infected
a> emails, removing the infected portion, then passing the remainder to the
a> intended recipient.  It requires the installation of a command line virus
a> scanner...we are using Norton AntiVirus 2001 for Windows 2000 as the command
a> line scanner, which we downloaded from

a> I am TRULY amazed with the performance!

I must agree. We have not captured any virus just yet, but we have been
using the RBL antispam and just installed the AntiVirus feature. I have
been searching for such products ever since I deployed Imail and this is
a big development. It requires almost no processor time, has less open
doors than SMTP virus scanners and costs a fraction of the cost. I am
using Declude on NT4SP6A with Imail 5.x and Norton Symantec AntiVirus
5.x command line scanner. I may keep Imail after all.

My current signature list scans for over 48,000 viruses and when you
combine RBL, ORBS, etc. to antispam features of the rules.ima it makes
for quite an efficacious system.

Way to go, Scott.


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